Izmjena članka 3. točka 20 (c) – definicija “ne više polimera”
Europska komisija razmotrila je i predložila izmjenu članka 3. točka 20 (c) Uredbe REACH (br. 1907/2006). Budući da će izmjena biti objavljena u Službenom listu nakon 1. prosinca 2008. odnosno nakon završetka predregistracije, Europska komisija i ECHA su zamolili nadležna tijela država članica EU i prije službene objave da obavijeste zainteresirane o izmjeni, kako bi tvrtke proizvođači/uvoznici “ne više polimera” (no-longer polymers – NLP) obavili njihovu predregistraciju temeljem korigirane definicije.
Izmjenjeni tekst definicije glasi:
"(c) it was placed on the market in the Community, or in the countries acceding to the European Union on 1 January 1995, on 1 May 2004 or on 1 January 2007, by the manufacturer or importer before the entry into force of this Regulation and it was considered as having been notified in accordance with the first indent of Article 8(1) of Directive 67/548/EEC in the version of Article 8(1) resulting from the amendment effected by Directive 79/831/EEC, but it does not meet the definition of a polymer as set out in this Regulation, provided the manufacturer or importer has documentary evidence of this, including proof that the substance was placed on the market
by any manufacturer or importer between 18 September 1981 and 31 October 1993 inclusive;"